Are You Becoming a WoW Snob?   5 comments

This was the question that I asked myself about 10:00 am Sunday Morning.

Sunday’s are often one of my favorite days.  I can sleep in, when I get up I can make a proper breakfast, I get to actually cook a proper meal for dinner, and generally I can just laze around and do whatever I want until it’s time to raid.  I tend to take the time to bake (peanut butter cookies this week!), and watch some telly or read.

This Sunday started out no different from any of the others.  I stumbled out of bed, brushed my teeth, played with the puppy for a bit, and then sat down and started up WoW.  I thought that I’d go do the new argent tournament dailies, since I haven’t done them yet…like ever.  I got chillmaw and the jousting done, and someone in guild was looking for more folks for an Ony 10 and asked if I wanted to come help heal.

I thought hey, why not, so I logged out and hopped over onto Dannie who desperately needs a new healing weapon (yes…I know it has hit, but it’s a fabulous paladin weapon too!).  As they were still scrounging for a tank, I asked Brade (who was playing some PS3 game called Infamous?) if he wanted to come along.  He said “sure”, and brought his ghetto fabulous Death Knight.  This ensured that he would be the add tank, as the toon needs a lot of work yet and while I’m sure he *could* tank Ony, someone with a bit more life would probably be the better option. 🙂

As it was, we had a Feral druid in the raid much better geared who ended up being our Ony tank.  We told everyone to hop on into vent, and moved about our happy way.  The DPS was largely all guild, but we had one tank and the other two healers who were picked up via the LFG channel.  Normally this wouldn’t have been a problem.  I generally have the patience of a saint when it comes to PuGs, and I’m pleasant and I walk everyone through the fight and keep a positive attitude as we wipe our way along.

But Sunday, I don’t know what came over me.  I don’t know if it was the druid tank that took Ony through the raid (killing half the raid) to a tanking position in phase 3 that meant the healers got either tail whipped or cleaved, or if it was the fact that I had provided 70% of the heals with my paladin while the two HOLY priests together comprised the other 30%, or if it was because I’d not had my morning tea, but for the first time ever I snapped.  With a PuG.  In Vent.

“WTF why did we wipe?”, was the question presented in vent.  And where I would normally have calmly analyzed the situation, and provided direction to those that needed improvement, I didn’t.  I hit my push to talk button, and what came out of my mouth was a clipped, blunt, not quite rude, this is how we failed analysis that is similar to what I might give our raiders when we are struggling with something for a boneheaded reason.  While I didn’t tell the Bear he sucked and torched the raid, I also didn’t sugar coat the fact that he was the main cause of our failure in that wipe.  While I didn’t tell the other two healers that I was doubling their healing combined, I did comment that a little more healing support would be nice.  I think I might have even been snappy at Brade’s poor DK for botching something up.

Was I horribly mean about it…no.  I’m quite certain that these fine folks have probably been treated to far worse than my snappy response to them in the gamut of their PuG experiences.  But I  felt like a total bitch.  I honestly really do like PuGing.  I like providing a positive experience to something most people expect to fail.  I like getting those tells after a raid thanking me and telling me that it’s restored their faith in the PuG and that they had a lot of fun.  It’s really nice to go into a raid with zero expectations and come out totally surprised and thrilled with your success.

So what the hell happened that Sunday?  I’m used to tanks that need a bit more direction, I’m used to dominating the heals in a PuG with healers that may have lesser experience and/or gear.  Am I really so spoiled that I can’t deal with less than stellar play?  Have I really become such a snob that I faulted these folks for not doing as well as I would have liked?

Dear God, I hope not 😦  I truly hope that it was just a combination of early morning + lack of caffeine + mild peachbellini hangover + random crankiness that lead to my mouth to open without filtering what my brain was thinking.  Even Saint Teresa had to have a bad day every now and then, right?  I’m hoping the fact that I recognized my less than stellar behavior and felt really bad about means there is hope for redemption.

How about you?  Have you ever had an experience where you were a bit of a WoW Snob?  Did you regret it after the fact?


Bits of Randomness
Dannie Update – While I am still pining away for a weapon upgrade (I can’t even get the ToC 5 mace!), I took her into our Ulduar 10 this weekend for a full hard mode run that I was running for folks to finish our their drakes and got a her a rusted protodrake of her own!

Ulduar 10 Update – Never. Going. Back.  WooHoo!  I have done my last Ulduar 10 clear…and I am thrilled to announce that I will finally have some free time again!

Algalon Update – We pulled him.  I know…not much of an update.  But I at least wanted to get a look at the guy.  We’ve had our keys for a few weeks, just never went in to check him out.  It was pretty nifty.

Currently Reading – The new Dan Brown Book “The Lost Symbol”.  I’ve heard some mixed reviews of it, so here is hoping I find it a good read!

Posted October 12, 2009 by Beruthiel in eh?, Paladin Healing, Protodrake, PuGalicious

5 responses to “Are You Becoming a WoW Snob?

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  1. I know I get exasperated if I’ve agreed to help people out for a 10 man that I really don’t need to do, I just don’t have anything better on to make me say no. I wouldn’t stress too much about it 🙂

    I really loved the Dan Brown book btw – thought it was great fun – I hope you like it!

  2. I’m defenitely not a WoW snob but, Beru, Dan Brown?! =P

    Seriously though – even though I’m likely to be the guy Doing It Wrong, I can see where you were coming from here. Firstly, yes, you’re only human and we’re all snappy sometimes but PUGs seem to occasionally come with a massive sense of entitlement which is utterly infuriating. I think it’s the lack of acknowledgement that other people are individuals in their own right, who could be do something else with their time rather than coaxing and hauling someone else’s arse through a difficult boss fight. M’Pocket Tank and I used to see it on our old server time and after time, even just running heroics – as a tank and healer, people seemed to feel it was our “job” to carry them along on our gear… grr!

    I think our guild hit something similar yesterday trying to run CC with some partially PUGed folks – wipe after wipe after wipe, and people not pulling their weight, geared far beyond their skills. Of course I wasn’t there but I saw their frustration on guild.

    • 😛

      I like Dan Brown! I am less ashamed about him than I am about my love affair with John Grisham’s books (oh god…did I just admit to that on the interwebs for all to see?!).

      I still buy all of the Mary Higgins Clark books too…even though after the 30th one, I know her/them so well I can figure out whodunit within the first handful of chapters usually 🙂

  3. Not a WoW snob personally, but I have been having trouble with my guildies being WoW snobs. I have been trying to run more Heroics recently with some of my long time friends (that are not my guildmates currently) and some of the folks in my guild are not willing to go because there are “PuGs”. Are you kidding me? Ive been playing with these guys for 2 years, they are not PuGs. The most annoying part is that these guildies of mine could REALLY use the Heroics, they aren’t exceptionally geared at all. /sigh

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