The Feedreader Ate My Homework?   7 comments

Something that folks may not know about me is that to date I have never used a feed reader type thing to follow the blogs that I read. I have always individually visited each blog site to see if there was a new update, and to read any posts or what not. I enjoyed this practice because it let me actually see the website design, and get a little bit of a view into the personality of the blogger behind the blog.

However, as I found new blogs and added them to my favorites bar, I would spend a good deal of time individually going to each blog and checking for an update when perhaps there wasn’t one. So much time, that on days/weeks when I was very busy, it was a prohibitive task for me to do, and I would end up missing a great deal, just because I didn’t have time to make it through my list. But not only that, I started feeling guilty for the amount of time I was spending looking for new posts. Something that used to take me 30-45 minutes of my morning while I was settling into the office was now taking much longer. Frankly, I was devoting more time than I should have been looking for everyone’s most recent writings.

As I shared my blog surfing habits with others, they were shocked that I didn’t use some sort of feed reader. And so as my favorites tab grew, I started looking into some of the more popular feed readers that were available…only to find out that the majority of them were blocked by my office. Which didn’t help my situation – at all. However, yesterday I found a feed reader that I could access from the office (for now, anyhow), and so I decided that I would convert over from physically visiting each site to having a feed reader pull information for me.

Once I got everything entered in, I realized that I follow almost 100 different blogs. No wonder it had become so overwhelming! My hope is that moving over to a feed reader will make keeping up with everyone more efficient and help me manage what has seemingly become a massive amount of wonderful writing and thoughts.

So I want to apologize if I no longer see the hard work that you’ve put into the structure of your blog with the frequency that I used to, but I also hope that you understand 🙂

And on a more WoW News Related Note, here are some snippets of today’s news!

* The Soulstone/Rebirth conundrum has finally been clarified for us! The short of it is that in a 10 man raid setting you can only have 1 in combat resurrection; and in a 25 man setting you can only have 3 in combat resurrections.

*As you may have already noticed if you visited an official forum, the new WoW forums are active! Apparently there are some formatting issues with them, so prepare to be frustrated if you want things like, oh, paragraphs, until that gets resolved.

*Also along those same lines, there is a new WoW Armory! From what I can tell, it looks very cool, so if you haven’t taken a gander over there yet, I would strongly encourage you to do so. And hey! It shows reforging!

Happy Friday Everyone! If I don’t talk to you before then, I’ll see you on the flip side of the weekend!

Posted November 5, 2010 by Beruthiel in Changes, Community

7 responses to “The Feedreader Ate My Homework?

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  1. So what reader did you go with?

  2. I’m not sure which reader you went with but is a feed reader that lets you view the original source. I just saw an article about it at lifehacker.

    • Actually, is what I went with after having read about it yesterday! I had to upgrade to a paid subscription due to the number of blogs I follow, however it’s only 12/year, and so far I think it’s worth the investment!

  3. I was also surprised by the discovery of RSS feeds a few months ago and ended up getting the feedly addon for Google Chrome. It’s nice because although my work computers block a lot of stuff, I can bring in my USB stick which has Chrome on it and load up my feeds 😀

    I agree with you, though, being able to see the actual blog atmosphere while reading a post is soooo much more interesting than getting the default version on a feedreader.

    • You know – I never really thought about being able to browse via a USB drive. If this feed reader that I have opted for gets killed at the office, that may have to be something that I consider 🙂

  4. I’m a feedreader newbie so I just went with the simple one from google. It does mean though that if I want to comment on a blog I have to visit them (clicking through on the feedreader page) – so I still get to see their designs, which is neat I guess 🙂

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